Closing up shop
- Wednesday, Aug. 02, 2006

It may be time for a change
- Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Entry in the air
- Friday, April 21, 2006

Still here
- Thursday, April 20, 2006

Music of the moment
- Wednesday, March 1, 2006



101 in 1001
American Road Trip, 1998


Dancing Brave
Fugging It Up
Kitty Sandwich
Mister Zero
Sideways Rain


My crew
Our host

Wednesday, Apr. 03, 2002 - 10:30 a.m.

Two dreams, 4/03/02

I don't really want to be up right now, but if I keep sleeping, I'll go too long and not have enough of a day to myself before I have to leave for work and then I'll be in a bad mood.

Had two weird dreams (aren't they all weird? Otherwise they're not worth mentioning) in my interrupted sleep this morning (three phone calls because I'd forgotten to turn of the ringer on the phone in my room).

The first

Lori and I are taking a class (or classes?) at some tiny backwoods -- literally -- college. I think we're in the South. I'm tired, and before the class starts, I have my head down on the desk. Lori and I sit together at a desk for two; the entire "classroom" is filled with them. I say "classroom" because we're not inside a building but under a tent outside on the edge of a forest. The professor arrives and warns me about paying attention because he's seen me with my head down. Now I'm nervous, not wanting to make any further mistakes that will upset him, and I begin looking for my notebook. I have none, but do have scraps of paper and various advertising inserts that come with credit card bills and bank statements, so I take notes on those. The professor is snooty and arrogant, and Lori decides she won't remain in the class. At least I guess this when she asks the professor if he knows what that piece of classical music is that is played on some commercial. He says it's Canon in D. She asks if he's heard some other piece of classical music or if he was still ignorant to it as she was before, or something blah blah blah. She says it with a confident yet arrogant air herself, but in a good way like when Will Hunting told off that Harvard snob in the Hahvahd bah. In my notes I write down "Lori?" and highlight it, to signify my wondering if she'll be kicked out of the class, like she wants. And just before the end of class, we look over to the left and just outside the ropes that mark the boundaries of the tent we're under are three hunters crouched in the bushes watching a duck or a bird off in the distance and are about to shoot when someone in the class says something and they realize they're standing next to an outdoor classroom. So they leave.

The second

This came after the first because I remembered the first one in the second. I'm at a club or some sort of internet cafe/nightclub. I want to get the first dream down because it's funny (or was at the time) and I don't want to lose it, so I sit down at a computer and begin typing, but I use Microsoft Word and not the Diaryland template because I don't want people to know I'm writing in a diary. It's a quiet but lighted corner, and behind me a drunk girl in a swishy, lightweight dress (like a sundress) dances around seriously drunk. A drunk frat guy comes over and she asks him something I can't understand (but is obviously some sort of pickup line) and he responds in kind. She lifts up her dress, revealing her panties, and his eyes bug out like in a cartoon. Then, and I have no idea why he said this (or why I dreamed this), he says, "Do you have tires to go with that?" and they walk off arm-in-arm to have sex and maybe learn each other's name. I return to writing, and two guys come over and start asking what I'm writing, and we start talking. I explain I'm writing about what I saw and one says, "I just hope you don't write it all in italics," and then the other says to the first, "Do you know who that is?" They think I can't hear them, but I do. "That's Dano" one says, and I'm proud to have a reputation. But I'm still writing in italics. I want to know who they are -- it's only fair since they know me -- but I never ask and soon I'm awake.

More about the weekend later because Lori needs to leave and take her computer.

Previous page: Just a quickie
Next page: I need to get back to this

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